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User Aware Bitmovin Player
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Adjust to Viewers as They Watch (and as They Don’t) with User Aware Adaptation

The Bitmovin Player is now equipped with facial recognition software that allows the player logic to adapt to viewers behavior. A Little About User Interfaces Ever since the world’s first computer, ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), went online in 1946, computers have been designed to respond to human input. ENIAC’s human interface was a…

- Bitmovin

Simple User Tracking with Bitmovin’s Adaptive Streaming Player and Google Analytics

This blog post will show you how to integrate the Bitmovin Adaptive Streaming Player with Google Analytics. For most commercial websites, Google Analytics is a must have. It is easy to install, and provides great insights into page views, traffic sources, user behaviour, user technology, goal conversions and much, much more. But when it comes…

- Bitmovin

Bitmovin’s Developer Focused Analytics

Achieving high quality, reliable and buffer free online video streaming is a difficult task. A developer focused analytics solution can make the job much easier. At first glance video streaming looks easy – Netflix, Amazon and Youtube are doing it successfully so it can’t be that hard, right? You just use industry leading streaming standards…

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