Stefan Lederer talks about html5 video player adaptive streaming

Replacing Flash: HTML5 Adaptive Streaming and DRM

Recently I participated in a panel on “Replacing Flash: Adaptive Streaming and DRM in HTML5”, presenting Bitmovin’s approach with the Bitmovin MPEG-DASH and HLS player to fully leverage the capabilities of HTML5 for high quality media streaming. This panel was organized and moderated by’s well known streaming expert Jan Ozer at the Streaming Media East Show in New…

MPEG-DASH open source

The Best MPEG-DASH Open Source Players & Tools

There are more and more open-source projects are available today around or supporting MPEG-DASH and it is always good to have some of these tools ready during development, we collected the following list of publicly available and open-source MPEG-DASH player tools: libdash MPEG-DASH player Reference Library libdash is the official reference software of the ISO/IEC…

MPEG DASh device compatibility

MPEG-DASH Browser Support and Device Compatibility

Due to superior browser support and device compatibility, MPEG-DASH is quickly becoming the industry’s preferred adaptive streaming standard. Since 2012, when MPEG-DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP, ISO/IEC 23009-1) was ratified by ISO/IEC MPEG, more and more browsers, TVs, smart phones, and devices, as well as manufacturers are adopting the standard. The benefits of a vendor independent, international and…

4k transcoding and hls 4k sizes

MPEG-DASH and HLS 4K Transcoding

First of all, I am using the word “transcoding” in this article instead of “encoding”. You may have heard the term “encoding” used in this context, and for the purposes of this article, they are completely interchangeable. So when I talk about 4K transcoding, it’s basically the same as 4K encoding. When we start talking about…

netflix mpeg-dash youtube mpeg-dash

Why YouTube & Netflix use MPEG-DASH in HTML5

The recent news that YouTube has chosen HTML5 as their default playback option – rather than Flash which was used previously – got a lot of attention, including coverage from TechCrunch and TheVerge. However, not many know that YouTube also uses MPEG-DASH in HTML5 wherever it is possible (e.g. IE11, Chrome, Safari). Considering that Netflix is using MPEG-DASH…

html5 Standardized

HTML5 is Finally Standardized

Yesterday, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) published the HTML5 specification as Recommendation, which is their name for a final version of a standard. This new HTML standard brings a lot of new HTML elements and APIs. There are mainly two parts of new elements. The first group is the ones that aim for more semantic in web…

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