- Bitmovin

Quality of Experience Issues: Levelling the Content Creation Playing Field (ft. Dalet)

This article was co-authored by Dalet’s Solutions Architect, Brett Chambers, and Bitmovin’s Solution Director APAC, Adrian Britton Not all content is created equal, especially when you’re a publishing house and your content arrives from multiple sources. But that doesn’t mean that your viewer’s quality of experience (QoE) needs to suffer as a result.  In this…

- Bitmovin

Optimal Adaptive Streaming Formats MPEG-DASH & HLS Segment Length

One of the first questions when starting with adaptive streaming formats such as MPEG-DASH or HLS is how long do you generate the used media segments of the content. The segmentation of the content is necessary, as this enables the switching between the different video/audio qualities during the streaming session. The following figure gives a short…

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